“Sunshine and Happiness”


This blanket makes me think happiness! every time I look at it. The colors are fantastically WARM and luscious and gorgeous together.


It’s like the wild California poppies in the empty lot next door to the house I grew up in.


And the spring-green tumbleweeds across the red-dirt desert of northeast Arizona.


It’s the jumble of marigolds and cosmos in my Midwest garden.


And shopping in a Mexican market.


It’s the hot sleepy feeling of lying on the beach in August.


And chili-smothered pork, roasting in the oven, to be shredded and eaten with tortillas.


It reminds me of just about anything with sun and heat involved.

How about you? What does it make you think of?


Sunshine and Happiness (Size: 55″ x 68″)

This blanket is no longer available for sale.

16 thoughts on ““Sunshine and Happiness”

  1. I love your work and the blog! Coming to this page and gazing at your beautiful photos is my current “happy place”. Thank you so much for sharing what you have done! I am inspired to try my own version f a simple throw. Can you tell me if you find a particular type of thread, needle and sewing machine foot works better than others?

    • Thanks so much, Pam. It makes me happy that you enjoy it here. Designing with this wool is fun and satisfying, so I’m glad the blog can convey that. To answer your questions: I use everyday, regular thread — mostly 100% polyester — and I use a lot of it! So I wait for 50% off sales. I use ball point needles of various widths. And I use my regular sewing machine foot; I engage the dual feed so fabric moves through evenly. Most of the time I simply use a straight stitch. My machine is a Pfaff from about 1980; it’s a workhorse!

  2. Something in the orange and yellow reminds me of Phoenix sunsets. My teen years were there. Lots of time outside in the evenings, just a little longer on my bike. The sky can turn the most amazing orange. That never happened the years I was in California or here in Oregon.

    • Molly, I grew up in Southern CA but spent a year after college in Rock Point, AZ. I loved the spread of the sky there and all its colors. You have lived in beautiful places! Wish I could have a try at Oregon one day ;)

  3. My first response was , “you.” It has been a delight to read the postings for each blanket. As I look at this one, considering your request and your comments about sun and heat, it reminds me of reading books on the lawn during the summer months. In MN the summers were usually cool in the morning, but by noon it could be quite hot. Mom would send us outside to take a rest under the large oak trees to read, giving her a few moments of quiet. We would go out in search of a grassy spot under a tree (green and gray). While we were in the shade, the light would filter down in varying degrees through the leaves of the tree (the yellows and oranges). I always tried to place my blanket where I could still stick my foot out into the sunshine (white).

  4. It and all the rest make me think I have a very talented friend! I love the pop of red of the binding. It’s the hint of endless exciting possibilities just beyond the soothing symmetry of the blanket.

  5. It makes me think of the taste of Russian tea – the soothing, plain flavor of the tea, the warmth and punch of Tang, and the zing of spices. Mmm!

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